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J9 Advisory £100K Charity Challenge Logo.png

To mark J9 Advisory’s 10th Anniversary next year, over the next 12 months alongside other businesses, together with our network, we will be aiming to raise a combined total of £100,000 for charity.

So far we have raised a combined total of...

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So far we are joined by the following businesses and organisations: 

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We are also supported by the following prize sponsors:

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Children's Heart Surgery Fund
MRI Patient Monitoring System


£45,000 Target Reached!

Read more about how it’s making a difference here.

The Children's Heart Surgery Fund support  the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit as a world-class centre of excellence – by providing the funding and resources needed to care for a patient’s heart, mind, family and future.

We have raised an incredible £45,000 to enable the purchase of an MRI Patient Monitoring System for Leeds Congenital Heart Unit, which is set to transform the care of newborn babies with heart disease.

The old equipment is a very basic oxygen saturation monitor, that often falls off the baby's foot, meaning they need to be woken to reattach it.

The new equipment allows seamless and mobile monitoring of vital sign measurements in the poorliest babies from the bedside before, together with during and after an MRI scan. The monitoring equipment is completely MRI safe with no need to disturb the sleeping baby (and risking the success of the MRI scan) to change monitoring equipment.

This process utilises a state-of-the-art MRI Baby Incubator - a ground-breaking alternative to established paediatric MRI scans. It’s the only one of its kind in the UK for babies with congenital heart disease, and Leeds is the first hospital in Europe to provide the facility for heart MRI scans.

Cardiac, Pulse and Oxygen Monitors 


£45,000 Target Reached and in Total, £68,000 dontated!

Candlelighters support families facing children's cancer in Yorkshire, getting involved in all sorts of projects to help ordinary families who are facing extraordinary circumstances.

We aim to raise the funds to purchase cardiac, pulse and oxygen monitors for the busy children's oncology and haematology wards at Leeds Children's Hospital.

Monitoring patient safety 24/7 across the wards can be demanding and with resource challenges across the NHS, equipment and technology can help make this easier and maintain the safety of patients.
Cardiac monitors are for those patients that the nurses and doctors class as high dependency patients. These patients can be very sick and require extra monitoring to ensure their safety is maintained. 

Across the wards, some children have to stay in side rooms, which are further from the nurses station, behind two sealed doors. These doors are important in infection control as a child’s immune system is very often depleted during cancer treatment, however this means the nurses can't hear the existing monitors behind the doors. Therefore, this equipment will ensure patients can be monitored 24/7 and remotely when the team are not in the room. 

Leeds Baby Bank
Resources for Families in Poverty

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Leeds Baby Bank supports families in Leeds, with children aged 0-5 years, who are experiencing poverty.  They aim to empower local families to provide their children with everything they need at the earliest possible stage of their children's lives. They provide families in desperate situations with all the essentials and equipment they need for their babies and young children.  This includes: bed bundles, nappies and toiletries, baby baths, potties, high chairs, prams and buggies, baby food and milk, clothes and shoes, toys and books. 

They also run an Outreach service once a week in the communities in Leeds where there is high deprivation. At this drop in service, they provide signposting and support to families in crisis, as well as providing essential items including nappies, toiletries and baby food. 

If you would like to get involved or find out more about the challenge, please do not hesitate to get in touch:

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J9 Advisory Limited is registered in England and Wales at: The Pinnacle, Albion Street, Leeds, LS1 5AA

Company Number: 09158072 | VAT number: 192 1886 80 | Data Protection registration: ZA075573​
J9 Advisory Limited is a member firm of The Institute Of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

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